Privacy Plus+ News
Stay informed with our latest insights on privacy and technology trends, along with key updates from our firm.
“Data Provenance”: Navigating Ownership, Authenticity, and Rights in the Digital Age
This week, let’s examine “Data Provenance,” a concept that involves tracing the lineage of data — its origins, transformations, and ownership. We’ll also propose a new specialized application for “Data Provenance:” regulating the privacy of personal data.
Clarifying Section 230 Means Looking Beyond the Immunity Provision
This week, controversy continues to stir about platform immunity under the Communications Decency Act, so let’s consider how the findings and policy statements underlying that immunity may shed light on the statute’s proper application.
Online Platforms Under Pressure
This week, let’s consider how online platforms are under pressure from proposed laws covering anti-counterfeiting, contributory liability, disinformation, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and more.