Privacy Plus+ News
Stay informed with our latest insights on privacy and technology trends, along with key updates from our firm.
European Data Protection Authorities Set Sites on Microsoft 365
This week, let’s consider European DPAs published privacy concerns about Microsoft 365, and related risks associated with workforce productivity suites.
Meta’s Search for a (highly profitable) Legal Basis
This week, let’s consider the implications of the EDPB's new decision in the long-running dispute with Meta its behavioral advertising business model.
FTC takes Action Against Drizly and its CEO: Will Protecting Data Become a Priority for CEOs?
The FTC wants to send a very clear message to CEOs: Protecting Americans’ data is not discretionary. It must be a priority. For Drizly’s CEO’s privacy and data security have become an albatross for him to carry to his future businesses under latest FTC proposed consent order.
This week, we’re offering an explainer on SBF, FTX, $FTT, and what happened with crypto.
The Tao of a Privacy Notice
This week, let’s examine the ideal harmony between privacy notices and privacy practices, and offer some suggestions to organizations that remain tempted to cut-and-paste someone else’s privacy notice or tantalized by offers of $20 privacy notices.
Predicting the Future of Privacy Law into 2023
This week, let’s look ahead toward the State of Privacy in 2023. With the New Year little more than 100 days away, what should we expect?
Free Privacy Training Re: GDPR and More
This week, let’s highlight a free resource that may be helpful to any business subject to the GDPR’s requirements.
Facebook Gave Police Data to Prosecute a Teenager for Abortion. What’s next?
This week, let’s confront more Facebook/Meta privacy problems by examining Facebook’s Privacy Policy alongside the recent news that Facebook/Meta gave data to police in Nebraska for the purpose of investigating and prosecuting a teenager for an abortion.
Ain’t Gonna Cut It: The (current) American Data Privacy Protection Act
This week, we highlight the problems with the American Data Privacy Protection Act, a draft bill in Congress that purports to be a comprehensive data privacy bill.
Summer of (the FTC’s) Discontent
This week, let’s look at what’s going on with the Federal Trade Commission, and in particular, a suit against it by the Chamber of Commerce and a new survey showing the erosion of employee morale within that agency. What does it mean? Read more.
Cross-Border Data Transfer Update – New Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework and UK’s International Data Transfer Agreement
This week, let’s consider the “agreement in principle” for the new U.S.-E.U Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework and the UK’s International Data Transfer Agreement.
FTC Announces Latest Data Security Settlement - CafePress
This week, let’s consider the FTC’s data security settlements with both the current and former owners of CafePress, a U.S. clothing and merchandise retail platform.
Clearview AI is “Persona non Grata”
This week, the Italian Supervisory Authority (ISA) – a regulatory body responsible for enforcing GDPR and related privacy concerns in Italy – fined Clearview AI € 20 million for GDPR violations stemming from Clearview’s data collection and processing in Italy. Let’s consider the opinion and some lessons learned.
The Perfect Storm: Facial Recognition
As Clearview AI expands and Texas sues Meta/Facebook for violations of its biometric privacy law, let's consider whether government is ignoring its role in perpetuating the problems associated with facial recognition.
Europe to Meta/Facebook: “You want to leave? Fine. Leave.”
This week, let’s consider a cross-border data transfer controversy under the GDPR and how Meta/Facebook is “absolutely not threatening to leave Europe.”
Biometrics in 2022: Employees, the FTC, Dashcams, Time-Keeping Software, etc.
This week, let’s look at lessons drawn from recent actions by the plaintiffs’ bar and the FTC -- all of which are focused on the use of biometrics, and restrictions under laws like the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA).