Privacy Plus+ News
Stay informed with our latest insights on privacy and technology trends, along with key updates from our firm.

Janus - Use of Facial Recognition Expanded by the TSA
This week, let’s consider the Janus-faced tension between privacy and security as the TSA expands its use of facial recognition technologies in airports (while keeping its privacy policy far from a model of completeness).

When Atlas Shrugs – FTC Faults Amazon for Alexa and Ring
This week, let’s highlight the latest privacy enforcement actions by the Federal Trade Commission — two cases against Amazon; and also discuss the developing trend of holding company executives directly responsible for data protection.

Royal Ransomware Strikes Dallas – What Can be Learned?
When a library website goes down, it should not also disable police services. Let’s reflect on what we can learned from the Royal ransomware attack on the City of Dallas.

A New Trade-Secret Protection Act
This week, let’s consider the new “Protecting American Intellectual Property Act of 2022,” signed into law in January.

SEC Proposes New Rule on Safeguarding Client Assets
This week, let’s consider the SEC’s release of a Proposed Rule regarding Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets, which specifically addresses a standard of care for security and cybersecurity related to custodial crypto assets.

“It’s Turtles All the Way Down” - FTC Focuses on AWS Security
This week, let’s look at a recent FTC Consent Order, then consider what lessons can be drawn about using AWS. We’ll also explain how IT infrastructure fits the turtle metaphor featured in the title of this post.

HM in DBA Headnotes Discussing Uber CSO’s Criminal Conviction
Was Uber’s Chief Security Officer a villain or a scapegoat? And how should companies respond to the news of his criminal conviction? HM attorneys discuss in this month’s Headnotes for the Dallas Bar Association.

Preserving Privilege During a Merger or Acquisition
This week, let’s address what happens to attorney-client privilege during a merger or acquisition. Here, we’re offering some suggestions about deal terms addressing privilege and data ownership, especially as they relate to sensitive pre-close deal communications about diligence, deal terms, and negotiations.

Legal Issues Surrounding Customer Lists
This week, let’s examine the nine (9) or more areas of law surrounding Customer Lists, which are often among the blue-ribbon prizes in fights among competitors or between employers and their departing employees.

The Care and Handling of CEII
This week, let’s consider Controlled Unclassified Information, and how one example of it—Critical energy/electric infrastructure information—is regulated in the energy industry.

Predicting the Future of Privacy Law into 2023
This week, let’s look ahead toward the State of Privacy in 2023. With the New Year little more than 100 days away, what should we expect?

School’s back in session: Starting with Trade Secrets
This week, let’s join “Professor Hosch” at the start of a new law school year, considering the protection of trade secrets. What are “reasonable measures” to keep the information secret? Let’s take a look.

How to Go Quasi-Dark – Email and Messaging Edition
This week, we’re covering the intriguing topic of how to communicate over the Internet as privately and securely as possible.

“Technical Debt” in IT Systems
This week, let’s consider the liabilities presented by hidden technical debt in IT systems.