Privacy Plus+ News
Stay informed with our latest insights on privacy and technology trends, along with key updates from our firm.
A Turning Point for Broadcasting Online Misinformation and Disinformation?
This week, let’s consider how online platforms are starting to enforce their own terms of use and otherwise take responsibility for their role in broadcasting and amplifying misinformation and disinformation.
Don’t Take Analytics for Granted
This week, the FTC took action against a company for its failure to address its supply chain—and specifically, it analytics and marketing vendors. Sound familiar? Well, we predicted that this would be the year of vendor management.
2021 - The Year of Supply Chain (Vendor) Management
This week, we’re providing our privacy prediction for 2021 - Spoiler: SolarWinds will make this “the year of supply chain management.”
A Huge Software Supply Chain Attack
This week, let’s address what may be the biggest cybersecurity news of the year — the huge supply chain attack that is happening now and what your organization should do to respond.
Six Essential Pieces of Advice for Young Privacy Lawyers
We’ve aggregated some of the best advice to young lawyers that we’ve come across and added some of our own, especially for young privacy and technology lawyers.
Privacy, Data Protection and Cybersecurity Lessons from the Latest IPOs
This week, let’s consider how Wall Street assesses privacy, data protection and cybersecurity risks by reviewing the prospectuses associated with three recent IPOs.
Don’t Forget Privacy in M&A Due Diligence
This week, let’s focus on data as a source of value (or liability) in transactions by presenting this important reminder: Don’t forget privacy in M&A due diligence (and don’t conflate privacy with cybersecurity).
Priorities and Practical Compromises for Businesses Today
This week, amidst the divides and demands that businesses face during the pandemic, let’s consider privacy and cybersecurity priorities and practical compromises.
Artificial Intelligence Needs Human Values
This week, let’s work toward finding a global consensus regarding the values that unpin the development and deployment of artificial intelligence systems as we consider UNESCO’s draft Recommendation on the Ethics of AI.
The Whirlwind Week - Regulating Ant, Settling Zoom, Re-envisioning Data Transfers and Coding a Dystopia
This week, let’s consider a whirlwind of privacy and technology developments across the globe—from regulating Ant to settling Zoom to re-envisioning data transfers to coding a dystopia.
May it Be Human: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and the Pope
This week, let’s explore insight offered by Pope Francis into artificial intelligence and robotics.
The Digital Privacy - Artificial Intelligence Conundrum
This week, on the eve of Ant Group’s huge IPO, let’s consider how the U.S. can balance digital privacy while maintaining an AI-friendly business environment.
The First Amendment in the Age of Disinformation
This week, we consider the First Amendment in an era of disinformation.
Clarifying Section 230 Means Looking Beyond the Immunity Provision
This week, controversy continues to stir about platform immunity under the Communications Decency Act, so let’s consider how the findings and policy statements underlying that immunity may shed light on the statute’s proper application.
Election Integrity
This week, let’s consider election integrity as we highlight a remarkable video issued by the directors of the FBI, NSA, CISA, and NCS as well as several recent advisories for American voters.
California Consumer Privacy Rights Act – Up for a Vote in November
This week, we’re covering the basics of the California Consumer Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA”), which is expected to pass and on the ballot in California in November.
OCC Requires Board Oversight of Cyber Risk
This week, let’s consider OCC’s consent order against Capital One, and particularly its requirement for board management and oversight of cyber risk.
NY-DFS and SEC Show Teeth, but will they Bite?
This week, let’s consider the investigations and class actions currently faced by First American Financial Corp and whether all these charges will be material from a financial perspective.
Exploiting Scraped Data – A Privacy and Legal Minefield
This week, let’s consider the implications of LinkedIn v. hiQ Labs, Inc., a data scraping dispute under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
China vs. the World?
This week, let’s consider what may be the new world order that is evolving with respect to data, technology, and especially AI in the context of this week’s news about India’s ban on over 100 Chinese-made apps.